

Our 3rd cohort applications are closed.

Our AIm

We increasingly notice that our current understanding of sustainability is no longer enough and that we need to update. However, we also see that the necessary will and leadership approach is lacking.

Today’s organizations need talents to help guide them through uncertainty while young people need guidance for the knowledge and skills they need.

Our challenge is to implement a new generation leadership and learning model that can respond to the above-mentioned needs, and thus, to nurture facilitators who will play a role in the transformation of organizations.

This is why we designed the S360Fellowship program.

FellowshIp at a glance

Learn from the experts

During the online sessions, we will provide knowledge shaped by the expectations of participants. We will deepen our understanding on the themes we established in our sessions. We will be doing thematic readings and watchings before and after each session. We will also spend part of our time asking questions and discussing topics with the experts.

Learn from each other

We believe in the wisdom of crowd. We look forward to discovering the knowledge and experience that each of our participants will bring to our community. In between our bi-weekly «Learn from an Expert» sessions, we will have in-depth small-group discussions addressing questions related to that week’s theme. In that, we hope to democratize our learning process by preventing the sole usage of one-way learning from the start.

Learn from the circle

The Circle. The perfect geometric shape where all points are equidistant from the center. This ancient learning notion will be integrated with Theory U-based coaching method for being each other’s closest supporters. We aim to listen and try to understand each other without judging, preaching, and trying to reach a conclusion. We will be each other’s supporters by impartially reflecting on what we have listened to and learned. Throughout the program, we will explore individual and organizational leadership issues through Coaching Circles developed by the Presencing Institute.

Learn from the nature

Are we looking closely enough? The unsustainable system we live in is the result of human kind forgetting the practices of nature. How would nature solve a given problem? How would it act when faced with a complex issue? We will visit Farge Organik’s farm in Fethiye Village, where we will be taking solo walks in nature, harvesting the crops from the field, and cooking and eating together. We will also reflect on what we have learned from all of this through different practices throughout the day. 

Learn from yourself

One of the most fundamental components of the learning journey is frequent self-reflection. In particular, it is crucial to individually record what we have learned, discussed and, more importantly, what we thought and felt throughout the S360Fellowship program. Therefore, we urge each participant to record this experience from their own perspective through writing, drawing, and other recording practices that we will implement in the process.

Learn from the community

We have mentioned that we believe in the wisdom of crowd earlier. From the earliest of times, communities have exchanged skills, services and products to support each other. Throughout this learning experience, we will ask our participants to present and share some skills that they have developed themselves. In that, we hope to facilitate an environment where each can learn from one another and discover the knowledge and experience they can bring to the community.

Learn from action

Adults learn by doing. For lasting learning, we need to experiment, get our hands dirty and make mistakes. We are aware the gap between knowing and doing can only be bridged through well-intended actions. Therefore, we offer you a platform where you will be able to try the methods we present and learn in the process. You will be a co-designer with our experienced facilitators and enter the kitchen with us. 

THEMATIC areas of the program

  • Foundations of sustainability and corporate practices
  • Environmental justice and degrowth
  • Climate crisis and data-driven solutions
  • Systems perspective and unlearning
  • Leadership inspired by nature
  • Choice architecture and behavioral economics
  • System innovation
  • Regenerative system leadership
2024 Program Timeline
🏁  January 29
February 18   
Application Deadline
March 11
Announcement of Results
March 21
Program Start
🎉 June 29
End of Program


Target Audience

We welcome everyone interested in unsustainability, university students, young professionals, senior professionals, academics.


If all goes well, we hope to have the program run from March 21st to June 29th.

Our Expectation

We have designed the program to be accessible while you work/study full-time. We expect a time commitment of 4-6hrs per week and 3 full days from you.


The program will be in Turkish with the exception of certain trainings and content that will be in English, which is something we would like for you to take into consideration while filling out your application.

What happens next?

You will be a part of our Alumni community that include peers that have also completed the program and play a role in the transformation of organizations.
The real fun starts then! You will get to apply what you have learned during the fellowship in your professional and personal life!